Mass Stipends - Update from the District Superior

Source: District of Canada

The recommended Mass stipend offering is increasing from $20 to $25 as it is fifteen years since the last change.

Dear Faithful,

Spiritual things are literally priceless. Just as love cannot be bought, so the truth cannot be sold. To put a price on sacraments and to sell them is a sin called simony from Simon the Magician who tried to buy ordination from the Apostles. The sacraments are not for sale, but a voluntary offering may be made on the reception of the sacraments. This offering is not a price for the sacrament, but a contribution to the material expenses of the apostolate and the running expenses of a church. It is also customary (and is legislated for in Canon Law) to make an offering to the priest who offers a Mass for the particular intention of the donor. This offering is known as a 'stipend' and rather than going to the church, is kept by the priest and used for his personal expenses such as clothing, books, almsgiving and personal travel expenses.

Below is a table of suggested offerings that will apply in the district of Canada from Ash Wednesday, February 22nd 2023. The recommended Mass stipend offering is increasing from $20 to $25 as it is fifteen years since the last change.

May God bless you for your generosity,

Fr. David Sherry

District Superior


Suggested Offering

Baptism Voluntary Donation
Confirmation Voluntary Donation
Weddings $300 to the chapel including the Mass stipend of $100 for the priest
Funerals $300 to the chapel including the Mass stipend of $100 for the priest
Single Mass Stipend $25
Novena Mass Stipend (9 consecutive Masses for one intention) $250
Gregorian Mass Stipend (30 consecutive Masses for the repose of the soul of one person) $1000
Visit to the sick Voluntary Donation